
How To Clean Oak Cabinets With Murphy's Oil

Murphy Oil Soap is the best way to get the icky, sticky, greasy gunk off kitchen cupboards is today's #AskaHouseCleaner. You'll see Angela Brown cleaning with Murphy's Oil Soap and the OXO Deep Clean Brush Set.

Any house cleaner can upsell #Cleaning services to a kitchen cabinet gunk remover package. The Drill Brush Power Scrubber will make cleaning extremely thick grease from kitchen cabinets a breeze.

Once you know how to clean kitchen cabinets – you can fill in the slow months of your house cleaning business with this upsell. Now, come clean with me. #Product Review

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Hey there, I'm Angela Brown, and this is Ask a House Cleaner. This is a show where you get to ask a house cleaning question, and I get to help you find an answer. You can find this and 400 other answered questions in this series on our YouTube channel.

Murphy Oil Soap Is Great for Cupboards

Murphys Oil Soap, Angela Browns Top 10 Furniture Polish

How do you get the icky, sticky, greasy crap off the front of kitchen cupboards? That's a great question, and we're going to talk about that today.

There Are Two Different Ways of Cleaning with Murphy Oil Soap

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Splatter on CabinetTo help us answer the question today, I'm going to do two demonstrations. I'm going to explain the regular way to clean the cupboards, then I'm going to explain a speed cleaning way.

The reason I'm going to try both is that the kitchen we're cleaning today has 79 panels on the cabinet doors. There are also drawers that are in the kitchen. That does not include the bathrooms in this house. That's a lot of cleaning, and we can clean it the regular way or we can do a speed cleaning way.

Murphy Oil Soap Comes Ready to Use or Concentrated

There are two products that we're going to use. The first one is Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner that's ready-to-use. You spray it on, and you do the cleaning. There is no rinsing. The other one is its sister product. You mix the sister product with water.

So, we're going to use both of these today. The sister product is for the regular way. Murphy Oil Soap is for the speed cleaning way. We're going to do a product review on both of those.

Work Smart Not Hard Tools for the Regular Way

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Pouring Murphys OilOur work smart, not hard tools. For the regular way, you're going to need some kind of a bowl or a bucket that holds about a gallon of water.

You're also going to need your deep cleaning brushes. These are OXO deep cleaning brushes that we use for all the crevices and around the handles.  You can also use a toothbrush, but I recommend these durable nylon bristles instead.

You'll also need some clean cotton terry cloths to wipe down your cupboards after you clean them. Another tool that you will need is a non-scratch scrub sponge. You'll use the sponge with the grain of the wood as you scrub the icky, sticky, greasy stuff off your cupboards.

Work Smart Not Hard Tools for Speed Cleaning

Useful Products Drill Brush Power Scrubber, Angela Brown's Top 10 Scrub BrushesAll right. For the speed cleaning version, we're going to use an electric drill. Most people have an electric drill in their house or their garage. If you don't, it's a good investment. What we're talking about here is a drill bit brush designed for kitchen cabinets. This just pops off. It's part of a set of four, and the set of four retails for 31.95. The brush just pops in here. You screw it on, and it replaces the need for our OXO brushes. This brush is going to clean the nooks and crannies and all that stuff.

Your Time is Valuable So Sell It

One of the first things a customer will ask you is, "Can you get all the stuff off my kitchen cupboards?" That is not part of your normal cleaning. That is an upsell. We can do this entire kitchen, all 79 panels, with this tool in under one hour. I'm going to show you how to do that.

Time is of the essence. Yes, it is an upsell. Yes, you're going to do it, and my suggestion is this. The family that has the icky, sticky, greasy stuff in the kitchen will also have it in the bathrooms. So, don't forget to include the bathroom panels in your bid when you bid for this job.

Safety First!

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, 8 Exposure Controls - Personal Protective EquipmentAll right. Let's look at a couple of other things before we begin. We're going to be doing a project that has 79 panels, so let's make sure we protect our eyes with our safety glasses. We're also going to be wearing disposable gloves. Maybe they aren't necessary for this product, but we'll wear them for personal protection. All right. Let's take a look at the safety data sheet, and we'll figure out exactly how to be safe when using this product.

SDS Info - Identification Savvy Cleaner Spacer

Information on the Murphy Oil Soap Company

All right. Number one, the information. Where does the product come from? It comes from the Murphy family, who started the company back in 1889. They first marketed it in 1910. The family-owned business marketed the product in Ohio until 1991. Then, they sold it to Colgate-Palmolive.

SDS Hazards Warning Savvy Cleaner SpacerThe Hazards

What are the hazards? This product could become a skin irritant, so just be aware of that.

SDS Composition Ingredients Savvy Cleaner SpacerThe Ingredients

What's it made of? It's made of water, coconut, plant-based derivatives, and limonene, the oil from citrus rinds.

SDS First Aid Savvy Cleaner SpacerFirst Aid Measures

And what are the first aid measures? Well, if you get it in your eyes, you want to flush your eyes with water. If you get it on your hands, you want to wash your hands with soap and water. And if for any reason you should swallow it, and I hope you don't, you want to take a drink of water and dilute that.

SDS Fire Safety Savvy Cleaner SpacerFire Hazards

This is not a combustible product. There should be no fire hazards associated with it. If a fire does start, a regular household fire extinguisher will put it out.

SDS Accidental Release Spills Savvy Cleaner SpacerSpills

What happens if you spill it or there's an accidental release? Use a damp cloth and wipe it up. The handling and storage. You want to keep this out of direct sunlight. You want to keep it in a cool, dry, well-ventilated place.

SDS Physical - Chemical Properties Savvy Cleaner SpacerPhysical and Chemical Properties

This is a liquid. It's an orange liquid. It smells like citrus, and it has a pH of 10.

SDS Storage Savvy Cleaner SpacerStorage and Handling

It is a stable product, and it won't decompose if it's stored and applied the correct way.

SDS Toxicity Sickness Savvy Cleaner SpacerToxicological Information

In the toxicological information, there's a statement I'd like to read on acute toxicity. "This formula was reviewed by experts, toxicologists and the Product Safety Assurance Department of Colgate-Palmolive and is determined to be safe for its intended use."

SDS Disposal Waste Savvy Cleaner SpacerHow to Dispose of Murphy Oil Soap

The product is also biodegradable, and the disposal considerations. Once you have an empty jar or bottle of this, it can just go in your recycling bin.

SDS Transportation Savvy Cleaner SpacerTransportation Information

And transportation information. It is not regulated by air, land or sea, so you can order it online and have it shipped to you. You can ship it off to your kid at college. You can put it in your cleaning caddy and drive across town to your customer's house, no questions asked.

SDS Regulatory Compliance Savvy Cleaner SpacerRegulatory Information

And the regulatory information. It is on the EPCRA's list, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act. And it shows the components of sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide. Also, this product does not contain any hazardous air pollutants as defined by the US Clean Air Act. It contains no toxic pollutants listed under the US Clean Water Act.

This Is How We Clean the Cabinets with Murphy Oil Soap

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Attention PleaseNow I'm going to show you how to clean the cabinets.  I'm going to show you the regular way first, and then I'll show you the speed cleaning way.

We have some cinnamon colored cabinets with a bunch of junk and gunk on the front of them.

Now, we are going to mix up some Murphy Oil Soap. We're using a fourth of a cup of Murphy Oil Soap with a gallon of warm water. We'll mix this up in a bowl, and we're going to do a water test.

You do the water test to see if it discolors the cabinets. If it makes them darker, then the wood is not finished. If the wood isn't finished, you cannot use the Murphy Oil Soap on it. These cabinets are finished. They have got kind of a glaze or a shine on them, and we can use the Murphy Oil Soap.

Use Small Amounts of Water on Wood

So now that we're mixing up the water, we're going to use our non-scratch scrub sponge. There's a warning with water. You do not want to get water on wood, but we need it for the cleaning process. So, we're going to squeeze the sponge out as tight as we can and use the tiniest amount of water to clean the cabinets.

The first thing we're going to do is use a Swiffer duster. Any duster will work. We're going to go over all the nooks and crannies of the cabinet. We're going to make sure that we have all the dust off the cabinets because we don't want to mix the dust in with our soap.

Here's a Quick Tip

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Scrubbing Knobs with OXO BrushNow, one of the things that we did was take all the knobs off. They were all icky and sticky, so we put them inside a small container with two drops of Dawn dishwashing soap. We'll let them soak while we clean the rest of the cabinets.

Our Murphy Oil Soap Is Ready

We have our Murphy Soap mixed up, and we're going to start with the corner of the cabinet. We'll work along with the grain of the wood. Don't scrub too hard. We're not going to use a lot of elbow grease. We just want to get as much of the gunk off as we can.

Use the Brushes to Help the Murphy Oil Soap Do Its Job

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Angela Brown Using OXO Brushes on VanityOnce we've wet the cabinet down a little bit, we're going to come back with our OXO deep cleaning brushes. We will go ahead and clean all the nooks and crannies and try to get out this stuff that doesn't come off on the first pass. Using the brushes, go back over all the edges and all the rims and indentations. That's where the cabinet has junk and gunk and stuff that's stuck in there. We'll try to get as much of that off as we can.

Now going in alignment with the grain of the wood, we're going to clean as much of these panels as we can. Open the doors, so we can clean around the edges where the doors seal. A lot of times gunk will also drip down there.

Once we get these completely clean, then we'll put all the knobs back on and everything will look as good as new.

No Need to Rinse After Using Murphy Oil Soap

Once we've cleaned with Murphy Oil Soap, we will just wipe it down with a dry towel. We don't even need to go back over and rinse it off. The Murphy Oil Soap has oil in it, so as it cleans it's also polishing.

Finishing Touches

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Replacing Cabinet KnobsNow that our cabinets are clean, we're going to use our OXO cleaning brush. We will clean the little knobs to make sure that we got all the gunk and toothpaste and garbage off. Now that those are all nice and clean, we're going to dry them off with our terry cloth.

Then, we're going to go ahead and screw the knobs back on. I do carry a small screwdriver inside my cleaning caddy for moments just like this. After I've cleaned up the knobs, I'm going to just tighten them back on to make sure that they are tight. Then the cabinets are back to the way they were before we started cleaning them.

Speed Cleaning with Murphy Oil Soap

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Angela Brown Dusting Kitchen CabinetsNow we're inside the kitchen. This is the ready-to-use spray and also the speed cleaning method.

We're doing the exact same process, where we've used our Swiffer Duster 360. We're checking all the knobs to see if they have any gunk on them. They don't, so we're going to leave the knobs on these kitchen cabinets because they're not dirty. We're just going to make sure that when we use our drill bit brush that we go around them. And we don't want to knock into them with our brush.

Go with the Grain

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Angela Brown Using Drill Brush on Kitchen Cabinets2Keep the drill bit brush going with the grain of the wood. We'll go up and down where the panels of the doors go up and down. And then we're going across the top where the grain of the wood goes across the top of the panel.

We're going to make sure that we hit the edges and also the ridges of the inside of the panels of the doors of the cabinets. This replaces the need for using the OXO deep cleaning brushes.

When we're done here, we'll just wipe it down.

Work in Sections

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Angela Brown Wiping Vanity with ClothWe're going to work in a pattern in sections. So, we're not going to do the whole kitchen at once, we're only going to do this section right now. I have a towel underneath where I'm working, so I don't drip any on the floor.

Now, I'm using my white terry cloth to just do a final polishing of this cabinet. This part of the process is fast. I just spray on the Murphy Oil Soap, grab my drill brush and go around the edges to make sure that they are clean.

Get All the Edges

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Angela Brown Using Drill Brush on Kitchen Cabinets DrawersBe sure to get the edges of where the drawers meet. Sometimes you've got to pull the drawers out so that you can get around all the edges and nooks and crannies.

This drill brush is going to do all the work that the OXO deep cleaning brush was going to do for us. This part goes fast.  It's so much quicker, maybe five or six times quicker than the way we did the other cabinets.

Wipe as You Go

Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner, Angela Brown Using Soap on CabinetsNow we take our cotton cloth and wipe them down. This polishes them as we go, so we don't need to wash them with water or anything else. These are like brand new now, and they just shine and they look magnificent.

A Small Bit of Advice

One note of advice, there are a lot of house cleaners that think one solution is good for all things. I love eraser sponges. I'm a huge fan, but Do NOT use eraser sponges for the cabinet doors. Eraser sponges are actually fine sandpaper. It will sand off the finish of your cabinet, even if your sponge is wet. So please, whatever you do, do not use eraser sponges on finished cabinets.

Murphy Oil Soap Gets the Savvy Cleaner Seal of Approval

Colgate-Palmolive, Murphy Oil Soap, Savvy Cleaner ApprovedNow we've had a chance to take a look at the Murphy Oil Soap Wood Cleaner. I'm going to give this product the Savvy Cleaner Seal of Approval. This is the product that I want you to use to get the icky, sticky, greasy gunk off of people's cupboards. This product is a product you can count on, and it will do the job every single time.

If you know somebody with dirty cupboards, please, share this information with them.

Until we meet again, leave the world a cleaner place than when you found it.

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How To Clean Oak Cabinets With Murphy's Oil


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